What Is Innocent Beauty


Beauty is basically a quality that is inherent within every thing, animate and inanimate. The quality is present in an object or person and gives intense and deep pleasure and a sense of satisfaction to the mind. This inherent feeling arises either from the sensory manifestations like specific shape, vibrancy of color or a particular sound. The feeling could also arise on account of a meaningful design or pattern or maybe even something a person says or a personality itself.

Beauty is a quality of a person, object, place or a specific idea that provides an experience that is perceptual and dedicated to the derived pleasure and affirmation that results from the contact. The concept of beauty changes from person to person. What appeals to one, does not necessarily appeal to another. While some consider it skin deep, some believe that it is of the soul.

Beauty lies is in the eye of the beholder is a common phrase that is much attributed to the concept and visualisation of beauty. Beauty care involves the applcation of externally enhancing therapies and products that add to the physical beauty of a person.

This incessant need basically arises from the need to survive a status within a particular society. Beauty care relates to the myriad of products, natural and synthetic to address a number of beauty requirements.

Symmetry may be important in defining beauty because it is evident that the person or object is healthy and without visible genetic defects, which are commonly associated with ugliness. Although style and fashion vary widely, research indicates that there are a variety of commonalities in people’s perception of beauty.

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There is good evidence that a preference for beauty and an inherent aloofness for that which is considered ugly emerges early in child development. The standards of attractiveness and ugliness are similar across different cultures.

A common idea that is inherent in society suggests that beauty exists in the physical appearance of things and within people who are inherently good. A perfect example is that of the declared ‘good’ ones who are naturally be perceived as more beautiful than the others. Also, most people judge people who are physically attractive human beings to be good, both physically and on a deeper level. They are specifically believed to possess a variety of positive traits, even if not on display, and positive personality characteristics.

Innocent beauty

Innocent beauty is a term that is used to describe the lack of guilt and falsehood in a eprson. The term could also be used on a more generalized manner to highlight a lack of guilt, with regards to a sect, culture or any ethnic group that is known to be devoid of any kind of crime or wrongdoing. Innocent beauty can also refer to a state of ignorance or ‘not knowing’. This could be in a case where a eprson’s experience is lessert than contemporaries, social peers. The comparison could be by an absolute, to a more common normative scale. However, innocent beauty cannot be called ignorance. It is generally viewed as a positive term. It carries the image of a blissful and positive outlook of the surrounding world. This kind of innocence comes from being oblivious to wrongdoing. Generally, people who lack the mental capacity to understand the nature and outcome of their actions could be regarded as innocent.

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In some cases, the term innocent beauty connotes an assumed level of experience that decides on important common knowledge or base qualifications for entry into another, very different, social experience.

There are a number of tale, songs and legends that praise the essence of innocent beauty. The concept of beauty changes from person to person. What appeals to one, does not necessarily appeal to another. While some consider it skin deep, some believe that it is inner and of the soul.

Beauty is concept that is basically a quality that is a part of and inherent within the living and non living. The quality of beauty is present in an object or person and it is related to the intense and deep feeling of pleasure and a sense of satisfaction to the mind. This attraction or inherent feeling is the result of either the sensory manifestations like a specific shape, vibrancy of color or a particular, distinct sound.

The receptiveness of beauty could also arise on account of a meaningful sight or a personality. Beauty is the inherent quality of a person, object, place or a specific idea. It is identified as a feeling that provides an experience that is perceptual and dedicated. This dedication is the result of the the derived pleasure and affirmation that results from the contact.