Fun Ways to Keep Your Dating Relationship Interesting


If you are in the midst of a happy and healthy dating relationship, you may not be looking for serious advice or life-changing words of wisdom. However, everyone can use a few reminders about fun and carefree ways to keep the relationship interesting and exciting. Here are a few quick ideas to keep both you and your partner smiling.

Make little bets. Find small things to bet on like how long it will take your food to arrive at dinner. The winner gets to pick what you have for desert.

Read a book together. Find a novel that covers a topic you’re both interested in. Set up a schedule for how often you will each read and discuss your thoughts at the end of each chapter. It’s a great way to get conversation going and get a deeper look into each other’s minds. Who says a dating relationship can’t also be a book club?

Each keep a list of things you want to do together. In your wallet, bag, or back pocket, keep an ongoing list of fun date ideas or places to visit. Maybe there is a movie you have always wanted to rent and watch together. Perhaps you know a great little Italian place you should go to. When you’ve both got a list, you’ll never find yourself sitting around not knowing what to do. Boredom can be the death of even the best dating relationships, so stay prepared!

Start a little business together. Don’t worry about tax statuses or employee requisitions; just start a fun little business selling things you both enjoy to your friends. Like salsa? Make your own and sell it or give it out as gifts. You can try the same thing with barbecue sauce, hot chocolate mix, picture frames, or a million other fun items. Brainstorming about products and creating them together will give you lots of valuable time to connect and share.

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Start a date map. Keep a map of your city, state, or country (or all three) hanging up and start putting a push pin everywhere you have been on a date. This can be an excellent way to remember all the good times you have shared together. Plus, it will help you think of new places to go. Pretty soon, you’ll be driving in random directions just so you have a new place to stick a pin. Who knows? Your dating relationship could even turn international very soon (better get a globe).

These are just a few simple tips to help you keep your dating relationship interesting, exciting, and passionate. Don’t fall victim to same old dinner and a movie, liven things up and get ready to have fun together.