Natural Beauty Products and Beauty Enhancement


Beauty can defined in a variety of ways; to some it simply means the state of being pleasant to the eyes while to others it is something that brings a feeling of sweetness to the heart. To others still, it could be a sound or touch that soothes the soul however; true beauty in the actual sense encompasses all these and even more, for instance a person can be pleasant in appearance but in speech and action the reverse may be the case surely that person can not be truly described as beautiful, let us say you were asked by the police to describe a thug who just mugged you at gunpoint certainly beautiful will not come up in your description of the thug regardless of how good looking he appears to be.

Now we know what beauty truly is the next step is to establish how we get it or where it comes from. The simple truth is everything was created beautiful, beauty is within us, and it is all around us as nature has bestowed us with so much of it. As a matter of fact our very nature as human beings is beautiful and for some beauty is displayed effortlessly while others need to do a bit to let it show. That not withstanding, everything, everyone is inherently beautiful. Take a piece of diamond for instance until it is cut and polished it could just as well be a piece of rock. Gold and silver have to be refined to bring out their true beauty, it is in us all to be beautiful but to attain true, total and all-encompassing beauty there must be some form of enhancement. This reminds me of the story of Cinderella and her ugly stepsisters. The stepsisters had the best of external adornment but they refused to enhance it with that which come from within hence they were described as ugly, Cinderella on the other hand had beauty within her which made it easy for the fairy godmother to turn her into a real gem. So if we are all inherently beautiful, why then do we need to enhance it? The simple truth is that, it adds value to our being and when this value is added people tend to appreciate us more, people want to love us more and I do not know of any person in this life who does not want to be loved and appreciated. Many manufacturer, advertisers and marketers understand this concept that is why the manufacturer wants to produce the best quality of a product and advertisers and marketers ensure it is well packaged and displayed to the public. How then can we enhance our inherent beauty and attain that true, total and all encompassing beauty?

See also  Beyond The Beauty Trap

1. The first key is in our attitudes, we must recognise we are inherently beautiful and let that be reflected in our attitude to life, to people around us, to the world we live in and everything in it. No one could pick up a certain piece of rock and if he does not recognise that if cut and polished that rock is a gem he may just toss it into a pond. In the same vein if we do not realise this beauty is in us there is a tendency that our attitude to life and various issues will be wrong consequently we devalue ourselves in our relationships, work places and all other endeavours. To be truly beautiful we must have the right attitudes, think positively and most importantly recognise the beauty that is in us.

2. The next is a healthy life style, to be truly beautiful we need to live a healthy lifestyle; it is pointless to have a pleasant appearance while we are killing ourselves with our lifestyle. The food we eat, the amount of rest, recreation, exercising and how we socialise are all important factors here. Our lifestyles may be such that we are to busy or we find it too difficult to balance out all these factors, for instance in the case of a balanced diet, we sometimes find this difficult to achieve not because we can not afford it, but because the time and knowledge required to put it together is not there especially in the modern world we live in where there is an abundance of junk food. This can however be remedied with the use of nutritional supplements. One must however, endeavour to maintain a healthy lifestyle and the keyword here is moderation.

See also  A Beautiful Face

3. Finally we look at external adornment, this relates to the clothes, perfumes, cosmetics and accessories we wear to enhance our beauty. In this case there is no one perfect solution, what suits you may not suit me what is important is to be comfortable with what you wear. Avoid coming across as being over dressed or painted up like a doll; make sure whatever you wear adds to your self esteem.

Beauty can be viewed in different ways but in essence to be described as truly beautiful entails a combination of different aspects of beauty. We are all inherently beautiful, but we need to enhance this raw beauty so that we add value to our being. This makes us better appreciated and love. Beauty enhancement can be achieved by recognising our inherent beauty and allow this to reflect in our attitudes; living a healthy lifestyle and with the use of appropriate clothing and accessories. I have heard people say beauty is relative, what is beautiful to one person may not be so to another, this may be correct for physical appearances but with regards to beauty, true beauty I totally disagree. True beauty is absolute it is either you have it or not and it is achieved by enhancing ones inherent beauty.