The Real Truth About Celebrities


Celebrities have a mesmerizing personality charisma. Fans, followers, journalists, paparazzi and even the critics want to know each and every thing in the life of celebrities. What they are up to, where they hang out, what are the projects they are working on, why they behave like this and like that! The quest never ends. Newspapers and television programs try their best to hunt for the latest sizzling celebrity news, hot and happening celebrity photos and spicy celebrity gossips.

People are fascinated about the glamour and glory of the world of celebrities. This is the life of ease and comfort with all the amenities, name and fame; this is what they think. Fans look at their heroes as if they were the denizens from some other world or the stars descended upon the earth.

But this is only the other side of the celebrity world. Celebrities don’t attain the dizzy heights of eminence overnight. Scores of years of relentless efforts, diligence and perseverance are what make a celebrity. So many compromises and adjustments they have to make. Most of the celebrities in the world have made their way through out of nothing. Sometimes they may have trampled down someone else as well to achieve what they wanted to. Even when enjoying the fruits of success, these famous personalities have to go through many ordeals.

It may be taken as a harsh fact or some may even call it the necessity of the celeb life. Many of these celebrities have at least two faces; one for a public display and the other a private one. You can get my point if you have a look at some of the exclusive celebrity pictures available.

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For example a photo showing Angelina Jolie in some casual moments and the other one showing her in Kashmir (India) with simple folks or a pick capturing contemplative Charlize Theron in Johannesburg and the other one showing her in Malibu posing for paparazzi will prove the point. These celebrities too are the human beings with all feelings and sensations awake. Their public life makes them put a mask of mannerism on their faces. But actually many of these celebrities yearn for a simple quiet life.

Are these celebrities allowed a single moment privacy? Hardly they are. Always sought after by the paparazzi, they can hardly be all themselves. That’s what makes them famous; but after a few years these personalities start asking themselves a grave question: “Is my life worth living?” Imagine what Lindsay Lohan must have gone through when the media went trailing her around when she was drinking and when her lose fitting halter top and a forceful breeze made her even go topless before the world. What an embarrassment for her!

The world of fashion for instance, has got its own evil face. If a model wants to elbow her way through in this field, he/ she will have to please many in every way possible. That’s what is called a struggle in simple words. When we read the news about the sex scandals and mental tortures in the celebrity world, it should make this other black side visible.

The huge amassment of wealth is yet another major concern for the celebrities. How to spend this money becomes the problem. Celebrities lose their peace of mind. And then comes the news of some superstar sniffing drugs, indulging in wanton sexual pleasures or getting arrested for some illegal activities. Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson are proof enough.

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No one is completely white or completely black. We all are gray. People make a mistake in expecting their heroes to be perfect in every possible manner. Celebrities, too, do have their own flaws and frailties. They remain unnoticed and this becomes the reason enough for someone like me to reveal the real truth about celebrities.