What’s Blocking Your Desired Lifestyle?


Creating your own lifestyle design seems to be an easy topic to talk about. Yet, this alone is a broad topic that one must consider many things before creating your desired lifestyle. It easy to say that you can make your own life design, but the truth is, this could be very challenging. This might be one of the reasons why so many people picture their life base on the lifestyle of the rich and famous; You might be making a reference to known famous people or celebrity idols.

By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to create the lifestyle of your own design, the factors you must consider like the profession you have and other matters. A question you must consider “Is your lifestyle design achievable?” You must know if you can maintain or even attain the lifestyle you want. Regrets are always the last part. Consider things that might affect your current lifestyle because of this new desired. Taking in consideration the worst thing that can happen may help you know how committed you are in taking the risk; all in the name of living the rest of your life full of joy and purpose versus fear and obligation.

One thing to think about is your income might turn into debts for a short period of time, yet if you plan appropriately that would not happen. There is always room for thinking. Do not rush things. As what the saying says, “Haste makes waste”. Be clear on what you desires are. Seek the help of a transitional coach who can help you see outside the box and at the same time support you to achieve your heart desires!

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Your desired lifestyle is about leading a wealthy and meaningful life. A lifestyle is useless if in turn it will lead to running a business or career that does not fulfill your deep rooted desired to serve in your own call career path. A progressive lifestyle is important to everyone. Some of you may be frequently changing your lifestyle because you are not content with your current outcome. This happen when you are not clear and concise about your desire outcome, it means you have a 50-50 chance to achieve your own lifestyle. Remember you do not have to do it all by yourself. You can actually supersede your expectation if you hire a coach. Just take a look at the great athletes and successful business owners you will notice one thing they all have in common is that, they all hire a coach. So why, would you leave your future to chances?

Last but not least important. A well thought-out idea to what I have written above. You must consider:

Your current income, and in line with it comes the kind of work you currently do
Are you satisfied with your current job or business?
Are you pleased with your current status?
What would make you feel, that you are living life in purpose

Once you answered this question you may be able to decide if you are willing to take the chance on readjusting your life to the one you want. In transforming your lifestyle, consider your own. That is what the title implies. It is best to make your own design so that you can easily adapt to it. Do not be cautious about what others say or think about your lifestyle, instead look into through different perspective. If your lifestyle will make you a successful man/woman, go for it. You must be the one controlling your lifestyle not the lifestyle controlling you.

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Many factors must be considered depending on your situation, yet it is up to you. These are just guidelines or rather pointers so that you can plan accordingly as you design your lifestyle. Do not forget about the word “practical”. No such thing is great; if you are happy with your current lifestyle, why change it? Consider readjusting it as long as it is for the better. Most importantly, be original. Nothing beats being original.